Floribunda Roses

Discover the vibrant beauty of Floribunda Roses, known for their abundant clusters of blooms and striking colours. These hardy, repeat-flowering roses are perfect for adding a burst of colour to garden borders, beds, or containers. With a long blooming season and minimal maintenance, Floribunda roses are a favourite for gardeners looking to make a bold statement. Floribunda roses are produced by crossing Hybrid Tea roses and Polyantha roses. They are mostly smaller and more bushier than Hybrid Tea roses and more upright than Polyanthas. Robust and disease resistant, Floribunda roses are known for producing clusters of flowers over a long season. Whether you're after classic reds, soft pastels, or eye-catching bi-colours, our selection offers something for every taste. Visit your local Thompson's Plant Centre to explore the full range of Floribunda roses we have to offer you and get expert advice on growing these stunning roses.

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