There are a host of plants that will help attract wildlife to your garden.
Plants for Bees
Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. But there are things you can do in your garden to help reverse this trend by making your garden bee-friendly. Here are a few plants that will help attract bees to your garden.
- Lavender
- Foxgloves (Digitalis)
- Honeysuckle
- Penstemon
- Hardy Geranium
Plants for Butterflies
Do your bit for butterflies by making them welcome in your garden. Butterflies like daisy-like blooms as well as plants with long, tubular flowers. The more of these you can grow in your garden, the better
- Buddleja
- Verbena
- Sedum
- Hebe
- Erysimum Bowles Mauve
Plants for Birds
Even a small garden can provide a selection of natural food sources for birds all year round. Provide a bounty of berries, fruits & seeds to create a safe haven for our feathered friends.
- Holly (Ilex)
- Cotoneater
- Pyracantha
- Honeysuckle