Top 10 Garden Birds

Our gardens are more important that ever in helping our feathered friends throughout the year. Whatever the size of garden, big or small, by providing a regular source of food and creating a safe haven for them, we can all do our bit and encourage them to flourish. 

There's nothing better that the joyous sounds of birds chirping in the morning, but how many have you seen in your garden recently? Here's a list of the top 10 birds you could spot in your garden.

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1. Robin

Who doesn't love Britain's most popular bird the Robin. A ground feeder that loves tiny insects in your garden and can be seen all year round. They'll love mealworms from a hanging feeder.

2. Great Tit

The largest bird in the Tit family, it's distinctive yellow breast, black head and white cheeks make this bird stand out.

3. Blue Tit

An attractive, tiny bird that boasts hues of blue, yellow and green.

4. Coal Tit

More grey-black than its more colourful relatives. Look for a white mark around its neck and a black head.

5. Goldfinch

One of the prettiest birds in the UK, they love Niger Seeds as well as Verbena seed heads. Red, white and black markings on its head with a light brown body and a yellow patch on its wings. They will love to feed off hanging feeders.

6. Chaffinch

The UK's second most common bird, more likely to feed from the ground. Encourage them with hedging plants like Hawthorn. Look for a blue crown on its head, orange breast and darker brown wings.

7. Blackbird

Blackbirds can often be seen foraging the ground for small insects and worms. They are dark in colour with an orange beak.

8. Starling

Brown in colour with shades of bluey-green on its wings and speckles on its head. They love to eat fruit and berries in the Autumn & Winter. Holly bushes and Pyracantha will help to attract them. 

9. House Sparrow

Another small but common bird, the Sparrow will feed of insects and caterpillars, so encourage them by planting Ivy, Honeysuckle or longer grass on your lawn. They also love Sunflower hearts! Light brown coloured breast with darker shades of brown on its wings.

10. Wren

A tiny bird that needs somewhere to hide in your garden. Climbing foliage plants create ideal safe spaces for them to shelter. A light brown coloured bird with slightly speckled markings.

How to attract birds to your garden

  • Provide natural food sources
  • Provide water
  • Put out regular supplementary food
  • Give them a place to nest and shelter

At Thompson's Garden Centres we have an extensive range of bird care products from feeds to nest boxes, bird tables to hanging feeders to help you encourage birds into your garden. Order now from our web shop, or shop in store for a more comprehensive choice.

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