Autumn - Nature's Time For Planting

Autumn - Nature's Time For Planting

Autumn brings the perfect time of year to be planting in your garden. By planting and establishing your plants now, you will really see the benefits in your garden next year.

Why Autumn is a great time to plant

As the summer warm weather starts to cool, the soil in your garden will still be warm, couple this with increased rainfall, and you get the perfect conditions for planting. By planning ahead and planting now, your outdoor plants will have all of September, October, and weather permitting some of November, to put down their roots before the winter sets in. By having a strong established root system, these plants will then thrive next year when Spring arrives.

What should I plant?

Here at Thompson's Garden Centre we would recommend planting your Shrubs, Perennials, Climbers, Trees and Roses at this time of year, But if you're looking for value for money then our 9cm pot perennial plants are an absolute must! This huge collection of over 100 plants are priced at £3.29 per pot. Plant it up in the Autumn, it will then establish it's root system before dying back in the cold weather. Next Springs warmth will bring the plant back to life, and because it already has a good root system, it won't be long before it's thriving in your garden, and you've got a full size perennial plant for extremely good value. Choose from these favourites:

  • Achillea
  • Aquilegia
  • Aster
  • Campanula
  • Coreopsis
  • Delphiniums
  • Digitalis
  • Echinacea
  • Gailardia
  • Heuchera
  • Lobelia
  • Lupins
  • Papaver
  • Penstemon
  • Primula
  • Salvia


Spring bulbs

Now is the time to start thinking about your Spring flowering bulbs. By planting in the Autumn, you'll see fantastic results come next spring. Who doesn't love seeing the first signs of Spring emerging from your garden in the early part of the year with your favourite blubs like Narcissi, Tulips, Crocus, Alliums, Iris, Fritillaria and much more. Visit us at Thompson's and see for yourselves the huge choice of Spring flowering bulbs we have to offer.


Improve your soil ready for planting

The Autumn is a good time to improve the soil in beds and borders before planting outdoor plants. Once annual plants have been cleared, a soil improver can be dug in to the soil structure by either breaking up a heavy soil or enriching a well drained one. A good example is Oaktree Horse Manure, which is well rotted and sterilized, peat free soil improver. We also stock an Organic Blend Soil Conditioner that is perfect for improving the soil in your garden. 


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