Berrying shrubs
Shrubs with brilliantly-coloured berries are a real asset to the winter garden. They'll shine from the border when there's little else around, and their generous loads of fruit bring in birds from miles around.
Here are a selection of berrying shrubs from the range in our garden centre:
Skimmia japonica: sprays of frothy white flowers in late spring are only followed by 8mm bright red berries if you've got both female and male plants. 50cm x 50cm
Firethorn (Pyracantha): comes with red, orange or yellow berries and much-loved by birds, pyracantha can be trained in tiers against a wall for a colourful and architectural winter feature. To 1.5m tall.
Pheasant berry (Leycesteria formosa): bamboo-like green canes and tassels of claret-coloured blooms give way to glossy purple berries ripening in late autumn. Height is 1.8m.
Please ask the staff in our garden centre in Chislehurst, Newchurch, Canterbury and Welling for more information and advice about choosing shrubs which have berries.