Hosepipe Ban - All you Need to Know

Hosepipe Ban - All you Need to Know

Hosepipe Ban Update - 2nd November 2022

There's been a hosepipe ban in place for a few months now - so surely the recent heavy rain means it will be removed? A recent update from Thames water in the South East explained why. They Said:

"To keep taps flowing, we rely on natural water sources that collect water deep below the surface. These sources refill when rain soaks down to them. But months of low rain mean the top soil is acting like a dry sponge, stopping moisture from reaching deep enough underground.

New figures show we had 100mm of rain in October, but only 6mm of that will reach our sources. We need many more weeks of above-average rain to help them recover."

What is a hosepipe ban

Households are not allowed to use hosepipes or anything that connects to a hosepipe or outside tap. So sprinklers, irrigation systems are also out of the question. During the hosepipe ban you cannot use a hosepipe to:

  • Water a garden or plants
  • Fill a paddling or swimming pool
  • Clean a car
  • fill a pond
  • Clean windows

There are a few exceptions during a hosepipe ban in which you can use it:

  • Water a new lawn within 28 days of it being laid
  • Business use
  • To top up a fish pond
  • To fill a fountain for religious purposes
  • To fill a pool for medical treatment

How can I water my garden

Gardeners do not fear, there are still ways in which you can water your garden. There's the good old fashion watering can, that can be filled up from your kitchen sink. It may take you a few journeys, but think of it as good exercise! Watering cans enable you to water the plant directly at the base which means less wastage.

Water butts can be used to collect water when it rains, and they can also be filled with "grey water" from your washing up or bath. Make sure you don't use soapy water on plants you are growing to eat though.

Mulching your garden will help to keep moisture in the soil. Use bark chips as a top soil around your plants.

You'll be surprised how many plants are drought tolerant, or like the warmer, dry conditions. We have a good selection of drought tolerant plants for your garden which includes lavender, Euphorbia and Sedums.

Make sure you water your garden at the right time. By watering first thing in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is going down, less water will evaporate off the leaves of your plants.

Use water troughs and saucers underneath your pots and planters. By doing this any excess water can be saved and re-used on the plants that need it most.

Don't worry too much about your lawn, grass is extremely resilient. It may get yellower each day, but it will grow back once we get into the autumn months and the rain starts to fall again. By letting it grow a little longer, it will encourage deeper root growth which should help your lawn during a drought.

We can all do our bit to help

Over the summer months we can all do our bit to help. Don't fear a hosepipe ban, get yourself a waterbutt, dig out those watering cans from the shed, and really think about how you can water your beloved plants without wasting too much water.

We have lots of articles to help you out on water saving, mulching and how to water you gardens during the dry weather. Search our news pages here

Visit your local branch of Thompson's for more ideas and advice. we're always here to help!