Recycled Plant Pots

The issue of plastic pots is one that we have been very conscious about recently. Currently, the majority of our plastic pots are not ones that you can put in your recycling bin. This is however going to change, as there are now more options available to us when buying the pots that our plants are grown in. This year we have started to phase out black plastic pots, in a bid to fight the war on plastic.
We are now starting to grow our plants in recyclable coloured plastic pots that are made from post consumable recycled material. They are 100% recyclable, and the raw material cycle is what they call a closed-loop. These pots can then be recycled kerbside by consumers.
Advantages from which not only do you benefit
- The raw material cycle is closed (closed loop)
- The use of recycled plastics conserves fossil resources
- Recycling friendly design (100% recyclable)
- The demand for environmentally friendly packaging is rapidly growing
The recyclable pots will take time to filter through from our nurseries, so there will be an overlap, but we are aiming to grow all our plants in these pots from now on. You will start to see our potted bedding plants in blue plastic pots. Bedding will filter through quite quickly as the growing period is shorter. Our shrubs and perennials will be grown in a taupe coloured pot. These have been potted up this year, so will take a while to filter through to the garden centres. Within a couple of years, we aim to be selling all of our plants with recyclable pots to the general product so that we can help with the war on plastic.