Garden Tools near Canterbury

At Thompsons Plants Garden Centre near Canterbury, we offer all garden tools you need to maintain your garden. Read on to learn more about what we have to offer, or plan your visit right away!

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There's no gardening without secateurs

One essential tool for any gardener is a sturdy pair of secateurs. Whether you need to prune your shrubs, deadhead your flowers or harvest your crops, a good pair of secateurs will make the job easier and more efficient. Thompson's stocks a wide range of secateurs from top brands like Elements and RHS, so you're sure to find the perfect pair to suit your needs.

Must-have garden tools at Thompson's near Canterbury

  • Digging spade: makes heavy-duty soil turning jobs easy. Lightweight, easy-clean stainless steel blades are best.
  • Garden fork: great for digging stony soils, mixing in a layer of compost, or weeding larger areas.
  • Hand trowel: essential for transplanting seedlings and planting bulbs: blades marked with measurements make judging planting distances easy
  • Weeding fork: careful weeding among established plants needs an easy-to-manoeuvre hand fork.
  • Rake: use for raking spring seedbeds, levelling soil in summer, or gathering autumn leaves to make leaf mould soil conditioner.

Buy garden tools at Thompson's Canterbury

At Thompson's Plant Garden Centre near Canterbury, we offer a range of high-quality garden tools, including spades, forks, shears and many more. Our team of experts can help you choose the right tools for your gardening needs, as well as provide tips and advice on how to use them effectively.

Visit us in-store or online to explore our range of garden tools and start creating a beautiful and healthy outdoor space today. With the right tools and techniques, maintaining your garden can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

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